Care at Home

Domiciliary Care
Domiciliary / Home care service ensures that the normal day to day activities of daily living are achievable in spite of illness and frailty.
The visits are of varying duration and frequency. A care assistant will visit you or your loved one at home to provide care and support on a daily or weekly basis. Domiciliary care is flexible to increase or decrease the frequency and duration of the visits as needs and wishes change over time. Your care plan will detail your individual needs and wishes with regard to personal care, medication administration and eating and drinking. We will work closely with district nurses and your GP to ensure you have any medical intervention required and your wishes regarding this documented and discussed with your family where appropriate.
- DONCASTER OFFICE Unit 3, Edlington Lane, Edlington, Doncaster, DN12 1SB
- 01302 957582
- LEEDS OFFICE Office 33, Flexspace Business Centre, Burley Road, Leeds, LS4 2PU
- 0113 288 3006