Improving Care In A Home Care Setting

Care Service Providers
Regulating the care we provide in different settings is important to us at Newdon Care. This allows us to identify what we can do to improve care in your home. This article will entail what steps we as a service provider company are currently taking to improve care. According to The King’s Fund, “4/5 care services currently are judged ‘good’ by the CQC” .A a lot of service users may not understand what these ratings mean , so this could lead to the service users not having a clear idea of what to expect from each of the care service providers.
This means that care service providers should improve the way they communicate with service users , this can be through the use of a blog , leaflets or regular newsletters to make sure that service users are aware of the possible changes to their care.

Improving communication is not only important between care service providers and care service users,but it is also extremely important that great communication is maintained between care service providers, carers and care service users in all directions. We at Newdon care maintain communication frequently with carers ,using a system in which the carers can update the care service providers on the well being of each of the care service users. In order for this communication to be maintained carers must ensure that they post updates on the system after every visit they carry out, to ensure that the care service providers are kept in the loop, regarding the relationship between carers and care service users ,and most importantly how the care service user is doing and feels about the carer they’re provided.
Care service users
As care service providers , ensuring that the care service user is comfortable with the care they’re receiving. We help them stay connected with family, friends, and community
Seniors who are isolated and lonely, have shorter lives and are at greater risk. We encourage and help them stay connected with their community.

As service users , you can also contribute to having a better experience in your care by not only educating yourself but asking questions .We at Newdon Care want you to always feel comfortable to come to us with any queries or complaints, as we know that doing so will allow us to help you, and better your experience as action will be taken from any of your concerns or complaints when possible. Please feel free to email or call us when you have any questions or suggestions, and we will be more than willing to work with you in order to answer your questions!